Class 2: JT effect for a van der Waals gas

Class 3: Kirchoff’s Law of Thermal Radiation

Part I. Heat and Thermodynamics, Topic: Discussion on Einstein’s Theory of Specific Heat

Part I. Heat and Thermodynamics, Topic: Joule Thomson Effect Theory

BSc Physics Hon Group A Paper 1 Theory of Relativity

BSc Physics Subsidiary Group A Paper 1 Maxwell’s…

BSc Physics Hon Part 1 Paper 1Group C Sound Ultrasonic or Supersonic

BSc Physics Subsidiary part 1 Paper 1 Group A Doppler Effect Non Relativistic Treatment Case 1

BSc Physics Subsidiary Part 1 Paper 1 Group A Heat and Thermodynamics Maxwell’s First Law

BSc Physics Hon Part 1 Paper 1 Group C Differential Equation of Waves

BSc Physics Hon Part 1 Newtons Law of Motion I II III Law

BSc Physics Subsidiary Part 1 Paper 1Doppler Effect Non-Relativistic Treatment

Part I. Heat and Thermodynamics, Topic: Planck’s Law of Radiation

Part I. Heat and Thermodynamics, Topic: Liquefaction of Gases; Regenerative Cooling

Part I. Heat and Thermodynamics, Topic: Liquefaction of Hydrogen Gas

Part I. Heat and Thermodynamics, Topic: Liquefaction of He Gas

BSc Physics Hon Part 1 Kepler’s Law of Planetary Motion

BSc Physics Subsidiary part 1 Mass Energy Relation

BSc Physics Subsidiary Part 1 Kepler’s Law of planetary motion

BSc Physics Hon Part 1 Paper 1 Mass Energy Relation

Part I. Heat and Thermodynamics, Topic: Nuclear Demagnetisation

BSc Physics Hon Part1Paper2 GroupB Thermodynamics 2nd Law

BSc Physics Subsidiary Part 1 Paper 1 Thermodynamics 1st Law

Part I. Heat and Thermodynamics Topic: Adiabatic Demagnetisation

BSc Physics Hon Part 1 Thermodynamics 1st Law

Part I. Heat and Thermodynamics, Topic: Einstein’s Theory of Specific Heat

BSc Physics Subsidiary part 1paper 1 Galilean Transformation

BSc Physics Hon Part 1 Paper 1 Group B Mechanics & Properties of Matter Elasticity & Elasticity Constant

BSc Physics Subsidiary Part 1 Paper 1 Elastic & Electric Constant

BSc Physics Hon Part 1 Paper 1 Group A Galilean Transformation

BSc Physics Subsidiary part 1 Thermodynamics 2nd Law Statements i ii iii

BSc Physics Hon Part 1 Paper 2 Group B Thermodynamics Clausius Clapeyron Equation

BSc Physics Subsidiary Part 2 Paper 2 Production of Plane Polarised Light

BSc Physics Subsidiary Part 2 Paper 2 Production of Plane Polarised Light

BSc Physics Subsidiary Part 2 Paper 2 Group B Current Electricity AC & AC Circuits

BSc Physics Hon Part2 Paper3 Optics Fermats Principale

BSc Physics Subsidiary part 2 Group C

BSc Physics Hon Part2 Paper3 GroupB Electromagnetic Theory

BSc Physics Hon Part2 Paper3 Group A Optics L G Plate

BSc Physics Subsidiary Part 2 Paper 2 Electromagnetic Theory

BSc Physics Hon Part2 Paper3 Optics Ne Laser

BSc Physics Subsidiary part2 Optics He Ne Laser

BSc Physics Hon Part 2 Paper 3 Group A Production of Plane Polarised Light

BSc Physics Hon Part 3 Part vi Group A Plasma and Classical Electrodynamics

BSc Physics Hon Part 3 Paper 5 Group A Mathematical Physics Corvilinear Coordinates

BSc Physics Hon Part 3 Paper 5 Group A Mathematical Physics Cartesian

BSc Physics Hon Part 3 Paper 6 Element of ensemble theory

BSc Physics Hon Part3 Paper6 GroupA Plasma And Classical Electrodynamics


Newtons Law of Motion 1st Law (BSc Hon)

BSc Hon Physics ‘Newton’s Law of Motion’ 1st Law

BSc Physics Hon : Newtons Law Of Motion 3rd Law

BSc Physics Hon :’Newtons Law of Motion 3rd Law’

B.Sc. Part I

Theory of Relativity BScHon Part-1 Paper-1Group-A

B.Sc. physics Hon Part:1 Second Law

BSc Physics Hon Part: 1 Paper: 1 Group:A Doppler Effect Case-i

BSc Physics Hon Part: 1 Paper: 1 Group:A Doppler Effect Case-i

BSc Hon Part:1 Paper-1 Group-A ‘Theory of Relativity’

BSc Physics Hon Part:1 ‘Newton’s Second Law’

BSc Part:1 Paper:1 Group:A ‘A Doppler Effect Case:i’

BSc PhysicsHon Part-1Paper:1 ‘Inertia Frame of References’

BSc Physics Hon Paper:1 ‘Non Enertia Frame of Reference’

BSc hon Physics part:i paper:i ‘Sound: Differential Equation of waves’

BSc Physics Hon Part:1 ‘Maxwell’s Relations 1st law of Thermodynamics

BSc Physics Hon Part:1 Paper: i ‘Maxwell’s Relations deduced use of 2nd law of Thermodynamics’

BSc Physics part 1 ‘Kepler’s Law of planetary motion’

BSc Physics Hon Part 1 paper 1 ‘Einstein’s Mass Energy Relation’

BSc Physics Hon Part:1 Paper:2 ”Ultrsonic & Supersonic”

BSc Physics Hon Part1 Paper-ii ‘1st Law of Thermodynamics’

BSc PhysicsHon. Part1 Paper:ii ‘2nd Law of Thermodynamics’

BSc Physics Subsidiary Part:1

BSc Physics Subsidiary part:1’Doppler Effect Case : i’

BSc Subsidiary part:1 ‘Doppler Effect Case : ii’

BSc Physics Subsidiary Part:1 ‘Inertia Frame of Reference’

‘BSc Physics Subsidiary part:i Non Enertia Frame of Reference’

BSc part 1 Subsidiary ‘Einstein’s Mass Energy Relation

B.Sc. Part II

BSc Physics Hon Part:2 Paper: 2 ‘Heat and Thermodynamics 1st law’

BSc Physics Hon Part:2 Paper:2 ‘Thermodynamics 2nd Law’

Physics Hon. Part:2 Paper: 3 Group: B (Electromagnetic Theory)

BSc Hon Physics Part:2 Paper: 3 Optics: Fermats Principa

BSc Hon Physics Part:2 Paper: 3 Optics: Fermats Principa

BSc Physics HonPart:2 Paper:3 Group:B ‘Electromagnetic Theory’

BSc Hon Physics Part:2 ‘Optics (Fermats Principal)’

BSc Physics Hon. Part:2 paper:3 ‘Optics: L G Plate’

BSc Physics Hon Part 2 Paper 3 ‘Optics : Fermats Principal’

Physics Hon Part: 2 Paper :3 ‘Optics: Principal of Population Inverssion’

BSc Physics Hon Part 2 Paper 3 ‘Optics: He Ne Laser’

BSc Physics Hon. Part:2 Paper:3 Optics: ‘Ruby Laser’

BSc Physics Hon Part:2 Paper:3 ‘Optics Working of He Ne Laser’

BSc Physics Hon Part:2 Paper:4 Electrostatic: Scaler Potential in Electrostatics

BSc Physics Hon Part:2 Paper:4 Electrostatic: Scaler Potential in Electrostatics

BSc Physics Hon Part:2 Paper:4 Electrostatic: Scaler Potential in Electrostatics

BSc Physics Hon part ii paper iv ‘Electrostatics Scaler potential in Electrostatics’

BSc Physics Hon Part:2 Paper:4 ‘Electrostatics Scaler Potential in Electrostatic’

BSc Physics Subsidiary Part:2

‘BSc Physics Subsidiary Part:2 Optics L G Plate’

BSc part ii Sub. Fermats Principal

B.Sc. Part III

BSc Physics Hon Part:3 Paper:5 Mathematical Physics: ‘Corvilinear Coordinates

BSc Physics Hon Part:3 Paper:5 Mathematical Physics: ‘Corvilinear Coordinates

BSc Physics hon. part iii paper v ‘Mathematical Physics: Corvilinear Coordinates’

BSc Physics Hon Part:3 Paper:5 ‘Mathematical Physics Corvilinear Coordinates’

BSc Physics Hon Part:3 Paper:6 ‘Elements of Ensemble Theory’

BSc Physics Hon Part:3 Paper:6 ‘Elements of Ensemble Theory’

BSc Physics Hon Part:3 Paper:6 ‘Elements of Ensemble Theory’

BSc Physics Hon. part:3 paper:6 ‘Statistical Physics: Probability Distribution

BSc Physics hon. Part:3 Paper:7 ‘Plasma & Classical Electrodynamics’

2020 & 2021

B.Sc. Part I

1) Special Theory of Relativity

2) Thermodynamics- Clausius Inequality 

3) Thermodynamics- Entropy Change in Reversible Process

4) Thermodynamics- Properties of Irreversible Process

5) Thermodynamics- Thermodynamic Free Energies

6) Fourier series with assignment

7) Thermodynamics – Principle of increase of entropy

8) Thermodynamics First order phase transition

9) Thermodynamics 2nd order phase transition

10) Damped vibration

11) Energy of a vibrating string

12) Solution to Laplace Equation

13) Image problem 2

Principle of Virtual Work

Concept of virtual work

Static and dynamic equilibrium and generalized coordinate

Thermodynamics Black Body Radiation

Thermodynamics Stefan Boltzmann Law

Thermodynamics Planck’s Law of Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics Discussion on Debye’s Theory of Specific Heat

BSc Physics Hon Paper 1 Group A Theory of Relativity

BSc Physics Hon part i paper i GroupA Doppler Effect Case i

BScPhy Hon part i paper i Inertia frame of Reference

BSc Phy hon paper i Non Inertia frame of Reference

BSc Phy Hon Part1 Paper1 Sound: Differential equation of waves

BSc Physics Hon Part 1 Paper 1 Mass Energy Relation

BSc Physics Hon Part :1 Kepler’s Law of Planetary Motion

BSc Physics Hon Part 1 Paper 1 Rankins Method

BSc Phy hon.Part i Paper ii:Sound : Ultrasonic & Supersonic

BSc Phy H Part1 Paper ii 1st Law of Thermodynamics

BSc Physics Hon. Part:1 Papert:ii 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

BSc Subsidiary part i Doppler Effect.. case i

BSc Subsidiary part i Doppler Effect Case ii

BSc Physics Hon Part:1 Subsidiary Maxwell’s Relations 1st law of thermodynamics

BSc Physics Hon Part:1 Subsidiary Maxwell’s Relations deduced use of 2nd law of thermodynamics

BSc Part:1 Physics Subsidiary: Inertia frame of Reference

BSc Physics Part:1 Subsidiary: Non Inertia frame of Reference

BSc Physics Part 1 Subsidiary Paper1 Einstein’s Mass Energy Relation

BSc Part:1 Subsidiary Kepler’s law of planetary motion

‘BSc Physic Subsidiary part 1 Rankins Method’ Group A

B.Sc. Part II

1) Dia-Magnetism and Para-Magnetism

2) Electromagnetic Boundary Conditions

3) Introduction to Maxwell Equations and Poynting Theorem

4) Maxwell Stress Tensor

5) Plane Wave Solution of Maxwell’s Equations

6) Optics

7) EM Reflection and Refraction at the interface of two dielectric medium

8) EM Scattering Cross Section

9) Moving Coil Galvanometer

10) Image problem 1

11) Separation of Variables

12) Potential due to dipole

13) Potential due to polarized object

14) Fresnel Diffraction

15) Scattering by bound electron

Optics Polarization of light 1

Moving Coil Galvanometer

BSc Phy Hon Part 2 ENT: Maxwell’s Electromagnetic Field Equ.

BSc hon Physics Part:2 Optics Fermat’s Principale

BSc Physics Hon part ii Paper iii Group B Electro Magnetic Theory

BSc Physics Hon part ii Optics: Fermats Principal’ paper iii

BSc Phy hon Part 2 Paper iii Optics L G Plate

BSc Phy H Part ii P- iii Optics: LG Plate

BSc Physics Hon part :ii paper:3 Optics: He Ne Laser

BSc Physics Hon Part 2 Paper 3 Optics: Ruby Laser

BSc Physics Hon part ii paper iv Electrostatics Scaler potential in Electrostatics

BSc Physics Hon part ii Paper iv Electrostatics

BSc hon part ii paper ii Heat & Thermodynamics first law

BSc Physics HonPart ii Paper ii Thermodynamics 2nd law

BSc Physics Subsidiary part: 2 Optics :LG Plate

BSc Physics Part2 Subsidiary Optics Fermats Principle

BSc Phy Part2 Subsidiary Optics Fermats Principal

BSc Physics Part:2 Subsidiary Optics: He Ne Laser

BSc Physics Subsidiary Part 2 Ruby Laser

B.Sc. Part III

QM1: Postulates of Quantum Mechanics

QM Uncertainty Principle

QM3 Schrödinger equation and its meaning

QM 4 Time independent Schrödinger equation

QM 5 The infinite square well

QM 6 Particle in a Rectangular Potential Barrier.

QM 7 Particle in a Potential Barrier 2

QM 8 Quantum Mechanical Tunneling

QM 9 Particle in a finite square well

QM 10 Free Particle

QM 11 Harmonic Oscillator 1

QM 12 Harmonic Oscillator 2

QM 13 Schrödinger equation in 3D Formulation

QM 14 Solution of Angular Equation

QM 15 Solution of Radial Equation

QM 16 Hydrogen Atom 1

QM 17 Hydrogen Atom Ground State Wave Function

QM 18 Compatible observables and commutations

QM 19 Angular Momentum Commutation Relation

QM 20 Angular Momentum 2

QM 21 Angular Momentum 21

QM 22 Spin Angular Momentum 1

QM 23 Spin Angular Momentum 2

Solid State Physics 1 Crystals

SS2 Bragg Diffraction Law

SS3 Reciprocal Lattice Vector

SS4 Reciprocal lattice relation

SS5 Laue Condition

SS6 Alternative form of Laue Condition

SS8 Atomic Scattering Factor

SS9 Questions about X-ray crystallography

Amplitude of the scattered wave

Kronig Penny Model

BSc Physics hon. part iii paper v Mathematical Physics: Corvilinear Coordinates

BSc Physics Hon part iii paper v Mathematical Phy.

BSc Physics Hon. part iii paper vi Elements of ensemble theory

BSc Physics Hon Part iii Paper Vi Statistical Physics : Probability Distribution

BSc Hon Part iii Paper vii Plasma & Classical Electrodynamics

BSc Physics Hon Newton’s law of motion 1st law

BSc Physics Hon Newton’s 2nd law

BSc Physics Hon Newton’s law of motion 3rd Law